Why Coding Standards Fail
Quality assurance is driven by many factors and starts as early as the planning stage. A significant factor which gets often neglected is all about coding standards. A survey in 2021 indicates that most organisations in the IT sector are challenged to keep this factor in check. Out of 2000 companies worldwide, 35% of companies do admit that the developers keep on forgetting to abide by given guidelines. The challenges are there for sure: A short timeline, tools not being rightfully used, lack of experience, and many other factors. Nevertheless, if it isn’t part of the workflow, the tools are not correctly used, or a Peer Review isn’t happening, the coding standard will be low – or will not even exist. Last but not least, coding is a kind of art as well. If we can’t understand our own written code after a while, nobody else will be able. Like a red thread that glides through a book, the code is indeed something that developers love to read – and hopefully enjoy.